If you are ready to take charge of your personal growth while managing a difficult time or crisis, but don’t know where to begin, you can benefit from women focused psychotherapy. In today’s fast-paced world, women are faced with a growing list of challenges. It will also come then as no surprise that according to the World Health Organization women are nearly twice as likely as men to experience a mental health related issue during their lifetime. Women’s issues represent a wide range of life, family, and health concerns often specific to women.
Women Issues include:
- Aging
- Caregiving
- Difficulty Being Assertive
- Empty Nest Syndrome
- Divorce
- Trauma
- Living Single
- Low Self-Esteem
- Reproduction
- Sexual Identity
- Work Life Balance
While each woman’s story is her own, it’s helpful to remember that you don’t have to be alone. Through therapy you can establish a healthier lifestyle, improve relationships, and define your purpose and most of all learn to trust your voice.